To accurately track user interactions and conversions in Everflow, follow these steps:
- Create an Advertiser: Use the appropriate API endpoint
and provide mandatory parameters such as name, account_status, network_employee_id, default_currency_id, billing, and settings. This step is a one-time process. - Create an Offer/Campaign: Utilize the API endpoint
to create an offer or campaign associated with the advertiser. Specify mandatory parameters like name,network_advertiser_id, network_category_id, destination_url, is_viewthrough_enabled, offer_status, currency_id, and is_caps_enabled
. Everflow allows the use of templates to efficiently create bulk offers. - Create a Partner: Use the API endpoint
) to create a partner representing the influencer, affiliate, or publisher. Provide mandatory parameters such asname, network_employee_id, account_status, billing, and default_currency_id
. - Generate Tracking Links: Use the appropriate API endpoint
to generate unique tracking links for each influencer and campaign. Customize the payload with parameters such assource_id (influencer ID)
andsub1 (campaign name)
to create unique links for each influencer and campaign.
Sample Script
#Create Advertiserimport requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"account_status": "active",
"billing": {
"billing_frequency": "weekly",
"default_invoice_is_hidden": False,
"default_payment_terms": 0,
"details": {
"day_of_week": 1
"is_invoice_creation_auto": False
"default_currency_id": "USD",
"name": "Test Everflow POC",
"network_employee_id": 246,
"reporting_timezone_id": 67,
"settings": {
"exposed_variables": {
"affiliate": False,
"affiliate_id": False,
"source_id": False,
"sub1": False,
"sub2": False,
"sub3": False,
"sub4": False,
"sub5": False
headers = {
'X-Eflow-API-Key': 'XNFhGRMtQUie2SIwy7t9VQ',
'content-type': 'application/json',
payload = json.dumps(payload)
res =, data=payload, headers=headers)
#Get Reports
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"from": "2022-09-25",
"to": "2022-09-27",
"timezone_id": 67,
"currency_id": "INR",
"columns": [
"column": "sub1"
"column": "source_id"
"query": {
"filters": [
"filter_id_value": "1344",
"resource_type": "offer"
headers = {
'X-Eflow-API-Key': 'XNFhGRMtQUie2SIwy7t9VQ',
'content-type': 'application/json',
payload = json.dumps(payload)
res =, data=payload, headers=headers)
#Create Partner
import requests
import json
url = ''
payload = {
"name": "Test Affiliate",
"account_status": "active",
"network_employee_id": 284,
"default_currency_id": "INR",
"billing": {
"billing_frequency": "monthly",
"payment_type": "none",
"tax_id": "XXXXX",
"details": {
"day_of_month": 1,
headers = {
'X-Eflow-API-Key': 'XNFhGRMtQUie2SIwy7t9VQ',
'content-type': 'application/json',
payload = json.dumps(payload)
res =, data=payload, headers=headers)
When a user clicks on the tracking link shared by an influencer, Everflow tracks the following parameters directly:
- click_timestamp
- ip_address
- browser
- Proxy
- device_type
- Location
- device
- User_agent
- HTTP accept language
In addition to these parameters, Everflow captures influencer_id and campaign name, which provide context about the click source and campaign.
Source link