Pinterest is one of those platforms that you can milk to the end if you are a digital marketer.
As a blogger, you can build a following by uploading and marketing your content here, ensuring that people see your content and interact with it. This drives more traffic to it and takes your blog to the top.
This is for the blogger looking to get followers on Pinterest in 2023, arguably a year that will see even more people turn towards blogging and digital marketing in general. Here’s how to get followers on Pinterest.
For starters, Pinterest is a blogging side with an emphasis on pictorial content, where you can maintain your content in the form of pictures that people can then ‘pin’ for later usage or if it pings their interest.
Using this information, you can guess the kind of clout a website like Pinterest has among bloggers looking to multiply their numbers. And the more numbers you have, the more followers you can boast, and the more lucrative the platform becomes.
With followers being the main point, here’s how you, too, can get followers on Pinterest.
How to Get More Followers on Pinterest – 10 Tips for 2023
Following on Pinterest depends exclusively on the blogger posting frequently. Not just posting all kinds of content, but content that is good, gets views, and is relevant to whatever the niche is that the blogger has selected for themselves. Of course, there are several more ways to get followers on Pinterest.
So without any further ado, let’s discuss the basic ones and progress further onto the more varied options.
1. Post Regularly
First and foremost, post!
Post regularly, and post with a content calendar that helps you keep track of what has been posted, what needs to be uploaded, and the whole schedule of posts on Pinterest.
When you post regularly, the content that you upload gets pushed to the new or trending pages more often, and more and more people can then interact with your post.
So, this is a bit obvious, but stating the obvious is how you get the point across, and the first step to getting followers on Pinterest is by posting regularly, with many big-name bloggers suggesting an average of somewhere around 10 Pins a day.
For example, IKEA is one of the major retailers who have found success with this strategy. Their Pinterest profile is filled to the brim with posts that engage and captivate their audience effectively.
Regular posting brings in new followers and retains the existing ones. However, to stay regular, you need a proper plan backed by a scheduling tool.
SocialPilot lets you visualize your Pinterest posting plan on a social media calendar and execute it effortlessly with powerful scheduling. Create and Schedule pins for multiple Pinterest accounts from a single dashboard and see them spread across the calendar to get the big picture. Let SocialPilot take care of manual tasks, while you focus on trying new ideas consistently.

2. Post Quality Content
Pinterest primarily works off of pictorial content, and that content comes a dime a dozen.
But the content should not be of that quality if you are looking to increase your follower head count. People only like to interact with things or people that are good, and your content is no exception.
The more well-curated and high-quality the content is, the more likely it is to garner some new followers and rake in some publicity for the blog. A big misconception in Pinterest blogging circles is that you cannot use stock images.
The truth is, you can use stock images or other content of the likeness, but quality plays a big role in using those.
Like it did for Joy Cho, also known as Oh Joy!, a designer and blogger, uses her creative art and quality photography skills to have amassed a whopping 13 million followers and 4.4 million monthly views. Her secret?
Her posts are not just visually appealing; she takes extra care to ensure her camera gear is the best in the biz, her post-production quality doesn’t waver, and her posts look like works of art. This is exactly what should be the goal: good, quality content that attracts.

3. Pin Your Stuff, Repin Others’ Stuff
One of the more technical or rather Pinterest-specific tips you can get to increase your followers is using the Pin feature almost indiscriminately.
Of course, you would want to stick to your niche or whatever keyword it is you’re targeting, but try to Pin your own stuff. When you do so, try to Pin other people’s blogs or posts too.
If you see a board that is relevant to your niche, try Pinning or saving it as well to build a stream of content that is available to you within the application. This activity ensures that your followers see you interacting with other people’s posts, which gives other people a reason to follow you if they find your content appealing.
#FollowforFollow, is what Pinterest is all about.
4. Follow Competitors’ followers
This might sound a bit weird but bear with us over this because it’s quite the logical point that, once you understand, can allow you to have even more followers.
Suppose you post on the tech niche and have a blog about the latest news and whatnot. Tech being a hot niche, there’s got to be a rival blog that does the exact same thing. Your goal here would be to attract their followers as well, right?
You can start by following them (the followers of your competitor). When they see that they have been followed by a tech blog they have shown interest in, and the content there is good, they will follow you as well. This is among many strategies that you can use to increase your followers on Pinterest.
5. Use Hashtags to Your Advantage
In this modern world of blogging and microblogging, sites like Twitter, Facebook, and many others (including Pinterest) use hashtags as their main form of pigeonholing content under one banner.
With terabytes upon terabytes of data and content being produced every day, you actually need something that sorts all this content, and hashtags are one of the most intuitive ways of doing so.
By including a word or a phrase after the hash, you can ensure that your content is included in a specific stream of content that is being searched for, driving more people toward your content.
And this is pretty convenient; just a few words, and now you’re on a global bandwagon. No wonder why they are so prevalent and go viral so often.
Use our hashtag strategy guide to find whatever hashtag is trending that month or week, use it to increase your followers by including it in your pins.
6. Use Infographics to your advantage
The fact that digital marketing is on the rise, whereas conventional marketing is regressing, shows that people are in with what’s new and easy and out with the old and boring.
And infographics are what are hot right now.

Who doesn’t want to watch a well-colored picture that usually delivers tedious and uninteresting information in a way that a person would actually want to see it?
Well, that is exactly what an infographic is, and you can use it to make sure that the content you post, or the pictures that you post that would otherwise be dull and not get interacted with, get a lot of response, which in turn means more followers for your blog.
7. Pay Attention to SEO
The name of the game today is search engine optimization. We lean on Google for a lot of things.
So, it would be imperative to have the world’s most used browser fine-tuned so that your content comes out on top; that is like the marketing gold bonanza.
And SEO helps you do exactly that with the help of keywords.
So, a good strategy to drive traffic toward your content and to increase your follower list would be to include keywords (niche-specific and popular) into your pin name, board name, pin description, and profile bio to help drive more traffic towards it.

8. Using Tools to Boost Visibility for Your Pinterest Board
We’ve touched on this before. By using tools, your overall experience of Pinterest can change considerably, and you can better use the resources Pinterest has for your brand to gain more followers.
There are many popular tools, starting with SocialPilot, which is powerful social media scheduling that lets you create and schedule pins in advance. Posting frequently is imperative, and SocialPilot makes it very easy for that.

Secondly, you will also need to invest in some good designing software like Adobe Photoshop or Canva.
Lastly, also look into some plug-ins that can help you with social media postings and hashtag/ keyword posting. These go a long way into making your followers’ list explode, essentially.
9. Go Nuts with Your Creativity
Getting creative with your captions, hashtags, and keyword placement (not to mention the content or infographics that you post) can result in some pretty good boosts to your post-interaction. This will eventually translate into how many followers you can get to your board or channel.
On that point, making boards on Pinterest is also a creative task, one that requires a good, catchy name to make sure people like it and interact with it.
This ties in with the ‘quality content’ point; the catchier and more creative your content or post is, the more likely it is that a person who sees or interacts with your posts will follow you. This is rule number one in building a solid following: focus on quality rather than quantity.
10. Use Pinterest ‘Sections’
Sections is a new feature from Pinterest that allows further categorization of boards.
Called essentially a ‘boards within boards’, this allows the blogger to target more specific audiences and cater to a very specific niche to ensure that the follower flow is redirected towards your board.

It isn’t a very old feature, so you can have initial successes with this feature and get audiences to follow you with a much higher success rate than others.
11. Introduce Your Other Social Accounts
Chances are, if you are on Pinterest with a substantial following, you will also have active pages or accounts on other popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others.
To further increase your followers, you can start linking your other platforms on each and every post that you do, which promotes a sense of ‘being certified’ for people who come for your posts or to your board.
By linking all these accounts, you can also drive traffic towards those accounts, which equates to a win-win because followers or even new members accessing those links are likely to follow those channels as well.
12. Use Pinterest for Business
If you intend to monetize your blog or can pay to drive more traffic, consider using ‘Pinterest for Business’, which includes in it a feature called Rich Pins.
With four kinds of pins available in that category (app, article, product, and recipe), you can link your website and other relevant information to your pin or post, which is displayed accordingly.
Plus, there’s the additional benefit that since you’re essentially paying for it, Pinterest’s algorithm actually favors Rich Pins and ranks them higher, so you stand to gain much more than just followers.
These are but some of the steps to take to drive more traffic to your blog and ensure that you get more followers. There are obviously more strategies and even more tricks and hacks to work something out to increase followers, so we’d suggest actually understanding how Pinterest works to optimally exploit its algorithm to get the most out of it and, of course, get more followers.
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