Meet the Nano-Influencer. In my last blog post, I mentioned a… | by Nkemdilim Chibuko | Apr, 2023

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Team IMTools
Meet the Nano-Influencer. In my last blog post, I mentioned a… | by Nkemdilim Chibuko | Apr, 2023

In my last blog post, I mentioned a recent development in the influencer category: the nano influencer. In today’s blog post, we are going to take a look at the rise of nano-influencer marketing and assess whether brands should invest in nano-influencers.

First off, what is a nano influencer? A nano-influencer is an influencer with 1,000–10,000 followers who uses their online brand for marketing a product or lifestyle. Unlike the other influencer categories, a nano-influencer is the most recent. The term nano-influencer was first used in a New York Times article published in 2018.

There is a movement from celebrity influencers to nano-influencers. According to an article by Fashion Beauty Monitor, 76% of brands in their survey have been working with nano-influencers over the year. This implies that, slowly but surely, nano influencers are becoming the most in-demand tier in the influencer hierarchy. If you are a brand wishing to work with influencers which level of the influencer hierarchy will you select and why?

In this article segment, I will discuss a few reasons why nano influencers are slowly dominating influencer marketing.
The first reason is that nano-influencers are more engaged with their audience. Due to their smaller following, they are more able to communicate with their followers, answer comments, and discuss the product. The more intimate relationship that nano-influncers have with their followers will lead to higher engagement, which is very beneficial for a brand.

That brings me to my second point, nano-influencers have a higher engagement rate, and this higher engagement means they have a greater reach to a niche cross-section of the population. Since nano-influencers have such a small following and engage very well with their followers, they have greater trust with the influencer. It is more likely that followers will patronize products recommended by an influencer they have a more intimate relationship.

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